Carbon Engineering.


Carbon Engineering.

Carbon Engineering—a leader in direct air capture to draw down carbon and mitigate climate change—needed a visual brand language, a style guide, and a range of visually appealing assets to secure additional investors.

Furthermore, they needed to clearly communicate dense technical information in a quick, accessible manner to potential partners.

To differentiate from its competitors in the climate tech space, Carbon Engineering wanted a visual language that did not simply fall back on “green” styles and other tired symbols. As a startup, building legitimacy and trust as serious global competitors in the carbon offset space was required.

Since Beacon created the company’s visual language, Carbon Engineering has asked us to develop a number of additional visual aids to ensure that a variety of audiences clearly understand how direct air capture works and its benefits.

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company growth since branding
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capital raised since branding occurred


Carbon Engineering

cycle graphics.

Carbon Cycle Graphic

Our solutions.

In terms of branding, our team created a visual language that uses a sophisticated set of colours, shades of blue, and a unique pop of violet, to set Carbon Engineering apart from its competitors. Use of clear and colourful imagery, along with clean, elegant fonts, effectively conveys the company’s vision for a cleaner future.

Using this visual language, we created pamphlets, diagrams, infographics, timeline graphics, and motion graphics to explain how Carbon Engineering’s technology works, and its many benefits.

Carbon Cycle Graphic

The payoff.

Since Beacon branded Carbon Engineering in 2018, the company has grown from 30 to 130 employees, and has become the most talked about direct air capture company in the world. The company has also received significant investment from and partnership with prominent organizations such as Bill Gates, Breakthrough Energy Ventures, and Chevron, among others, which has helped bring even more attention to their work.

Infographic Carbon Engineering
Carbon Engineering Logo
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